Front End

Why new Nuxt 3 features are invaluable in our work

Our journey with Vue.js started almost ten years ago when we decided to give it a try. Since then, we've stuck with it. Along the way, we discovered Nuxt, which made our lives much easier, especially in the e-commerce industry where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial. Nuxt simplified how we build Vue.js applications. It gave us a higher-level way of doing things, set some rules for us to follow, and organized our projects neatly. Most importantly, it came with Server Side Rendering (SSR) right out of the box. This meant we could focus more on making our apps work and less on configuring them. It made our development process smoother. Now, with Nuxt 3, we've got even more useful features. In this article, I'll show you the most important changes and how we use them in our work.

Written by Paweł Szafrański

Why Hyvä is the Best Choice for Most Magento Stores

Picking how your online store looks and works in Magento or Adobe Commerce is a big deal. It affects how much it costs to build your store and how much stuff you'll sell later on. Basically, the way your store looks and works is critical to how much people actually enjoy shopping there. There are lots of choices you can pick from, but there's one that really stands out—it's called Hyvä Theme. In this article, I'll explain why I, as someone who builds the front end part of stores and websites, think that choosing Hyvä is probably the smartest move for your business.

Written by Ola Frankowska

How to Use Accessible Names Properly to Easily Improve Accessibility of Your Website? aria-label, aria-labeledby and More

Dive into the World of Accessible Web Design: Ready to level up your web game? Let's unravel the mystery behind accessible names, from nailing aria-label vs. aria-labelledby to avoiding those 'oops' moments developers often stumble upon. Get ready to create web experiences that not only rock for everyone but also catch the eye of search engines. Buckle up, let's make the web more inclusive, one pixel at a time!

Written by Anna Karoń