Last week was very busy for the Snowdog team. We were extra focused on all preparations to Meet Magento PL 2015 which is the biggest Polish Magento-related event. This time, we decided to organize this conference in Poznań. It was great to welcome the Magento community in the place which we call home.

The Location was not the only change, though. From more formal Hilton indoor we moved to modern design in Concordia Design Center which inside decoration indicated clearly we’re dealing with a Magento community event.
However, the most important change of all is a redefinition of Meet Magento formula. Instead of solid blocks of multiple presentations, we decided to propose more interactive forms of education: workshops, discussion panels and hackathon.
Regardless of the number of unofficial pre-party events for sponsors and speakers, our conference started on Monday with a series of very interesting lectures. Such speakers as Ben Marks, Benno Lippert or Brendan Falkowski were the first to share their experiences and knowledge. Short time later, Vinai Kopp started 3h workshop on Magento 2 modules’ development which attracted more than 40 developrers. No, they didn’t edit the core :)
Later that day we took part in a workshop led by Patrycja Slawuta about how to “Do the Epic S*it”. How to hack our brains in order to redefine our habits, look at work from different perspective and – in general – improve ourselves at any level.
Viacheslav Kravchuk told Atwix story of transforming company into distributed model of work. Vlad Stanescu from MindMagnet took the audience into detailed analysis of design and usability web modifications which increase conversion in eCommerce. Ivan Chepurnyi compared Magento Core to Holy Grail and talked about core modifications which may lead to great performance increase. It was a very intense day.

But Monday luckily didn’t end at 17:30. Snowdog was a proud sponsor of Meet Magneto PL After Party. All guests were welcomed by a ice-vodka-shot: good starter for a great evening. Around 21:00 we were happy to see chainsaw ice show. DJ Maya Selektah took care of music, we took care of dancing and networking till the end of the party. This is a real community. This is #realMagento.
The following day was full of new challenges. After a couple of cups of coffee, attendees were ready to take part in a workshop dedicated to Enterprise Edition features – led by Roman Baltua from Orba. Michał Pakuła from Divante worked with a 30+ developers group on git workflow and safe deploys. Stachu Bręczewski from White Ducky introduced us to the new era of brand in eCommerce. Just after lunch developers started a 24h hackathon focused on Magento 2 modules. At the same time – Borys Skraba from BOLD Brand Commerce worked on new approach to customers’ segmentation.

To summarize it: we had 8 solid workshops, 2 discussion panels and 17 presentations.
After 2 days of intense networking, community getting closer and knowledge being shared – we all got back on the road. Home, office, bar for a beer or right to Switzerland for #mm15ch.
Next conference: Meet Magento Poland 2016 will take place 19-20 September.
Yes – in Poznań :)
For more pirctures from #mm15pl please visit our Flickr page.