Many Magento, mobile and IoT projects were created and implemented in this place. But it’s not only about working together. We spent a lot of time playing FIFA games, having hammock naps and enjoying after hours parties. We know it sounds sentimental, but we also had (and still have) a lot of warm feelings related to this office.
But as perfect as this place could be, our team is growing bigger and we needed more space for all our new collegues who joined us in the past 6 months. Fortunately we haven’t moved from Mostowa 11 at all. After long-lasting project approvals, construction work and polishing details – we did it. We moved to the new office just accross the parking lot.

However, because of all great feelings about our old place, we decided to keep it. First of all, we always wanted and always needed a space for meetings bigger than 10 people. Another reason is that – following the experience we had from Meet Magento Poland conferences – we decided to restart Magento MeetUps cycle in Poznań. A few years ago they were organized by Macopedia. Now the Magento local community is bigger so – together with Creatuity Poland – we invited Magento enothousiasts from Poznan to join our regular Magento meetings where we want to discuss case studies, problems, ideas and new experiences. There were already 3 meetings so far and we plan to have 4th in April.

With time, more and more ideas of using this space came up, so we thought it’s high time to name the place. After short brainstorming – together with Egnyte with whom we share the attic – we have chosen to call our former office Old Loft. We are currently working on creating a new dedicated website.

Snowdog and Egnyte events take place up there, but we are also open to host any IT-related event up to 50 people. There are so many great things going on around Poznań in mobile, PHP, testing, UX and so much more… If you have an idea of such a meeting and you are looking for a place to have it – contact usand we will be happy to share the space with you, too.