Only few days left till the legendary Magento Imagine 2016 in Las Vegas. Some of you may remember hashtag #RoadToImagine from previous years. If you go to Vegas, let your friends know – from the airport, from the car (but hey, no texting when driving!), with your suitcase packed, new business cards or with the evening dress just bought!
However, this year “Road To Imagine” gets a new meaning. 4 friends – Brendan Falkowski, Bret Rasmussen, Steve Deckert and Kuba Zwoliński dared to ask for more. They have met thanks to Magento projects and events. Each of them always wanted to highlight that the best of what Magento ecosystem has to offer is the incredible community where work and fun come along.
And now, after months of preparation and planning, their adventure has just started yesterday and will take 6 more days.

Endless roads, vast deserts, engines’ noise and 3001 miles to go. The idea is to arrive just for the Pre-Imagine Kickoff Party on Sunday evening. This first year #RoadToImagine goes through Nevada ➔ Utah ➔ Idaho ➔ Oregon ➔ California ➔ Nevada.
Now, just in the middle of nowhere (literally, in the restaurant “Middle of Nowhere”), they plan next moves, potential weather risks and some fun on the way.
Do you want to stay updated? Don’t forget to follow on Twitter or follow on Instagram and hashtag your own #RoadToImagine!