There is no need to introduce Polish eCommerce Fair Trade (Targi eHandlu) to anyone. It’s already well known among on-line business owners and on-line service providers. The event is already very significant as it creates a great opportunity to meet in person people with whom we cooperate on-line on a daily basis and – of course – make new business acquaintances. You can meet there interactive agencies, logistic service providers, price comparison platforms representatives, online payment providers, e-shop platforms representatives, on-line communication tools providers and many, many others.

We must admit that if there is anything related to eCommerce, any kind of business, you will find it on Polish eCommerce Fair Trade (Targi eHandlu). This is a great opportunity to learn more about eCommerce world from the bottom to the top. Within 3 editions the event managed to gather 4000 visitors and 250 exhibitors, quite impressive numbers! ;)

On the last edition we were also there, just a quick reminding photo ;)

The next edition is coming fast – 25th April in Poznań (MTP) where there are already more than 100 exhibitors and 1500 visitors registered. And there is still a month to go! We can’t wait to see all our already known eCommerce friends there and meet new.
See you there!