No, your senses are not playing tricks on you.

The reason behind this anomaly is Snowdog’s active attendance in CMS Africa Summit (Nairobi, Kenya). The very first edition of cross-African initiative to seed, share and spread the knowledge about open source CMS solutions.

From installation, through configuration to security. All and more will be covered by workshops and lectures given by advanced and experienced open-source specialists from around the world. And speaking of open-source one just can’t skip mentioning Magento, the world’s fastest growing eCommerce platform and…what Snowdog likes best.

Being representatives of Meet Magento and Snowdog, both CMS Africa Summit sponsors, our CEO Kuba Zwoliński loaded his sledge with some extras.

The first to mention is a Saturday panel when Kuba will stand shoulder to shoulder with Thomas Fleck, the founder of Netresearch App Factory and mastermind behind Meet Magento. Through Meet Magento – What makes the difference? and Magento success stories they will show how much can be achieved once an appropriate eCommerce platform is chosen.

But if you think that’s all we’re gonna take to Africa, you’re wrong. The second treasure is going to be installed on Kuba’s smartphone. Snowdog’s new baby – the ConfApp.

If you’re a common conference attendee you sure must have missed a rich and handy application for managing such events. Our app lets you browse through the agenda, plan your attendance or even QR scan for contacts and information. No paper agendas getting wrapped and lost, no business cards missing in action. A must-have for all conference addicts.

Well equipped with knowledge and ConfApp, we’re ready to take some snow to Africa. Stay tuned for more info coming from the hottest of continents, straight from CMS Africa Summit.

By then we’ve got a sledge to catch.