After damanding and hard working weeks before Christmas, every branch of commerce (eCommerce included) must face an inevitable slowdown in January. Customers are tired of shopping and the size of their budget for January is also different. And of course their shouldn’t be blamed at all.
Both, traditional and online shops try to attract customers’ attention by spectacular “winter sales”. It seems to be an obviouse choice. However, we prepared for our clients, and anyone interested in eCommerce industry, 5 tips which can be useful:
1. Use your database – Since November probably you have many new customers. Use information you have to promote your e-shop. Many researches show that customers are more willing to return to your e-shop (after successful transation) within 60 days of their first purchase. Don’t let it slip away!
2. Use personalized e-mails – It’s one of the most efficient ways to get new traffic in your e-shop. But (!) “personalized” doesn’t mean only a name of your customer in the title of an e-mail. It means using your knowledge about him or her to create a perfect offer. Why don’t you ask: “Recently you bought xxxxx. Don’t you need yyyyy?” or “Our customers who bought xxxx like you, were also interested in yyyy. Check it out!”. There are planty of ways to keep your customers attention using information about their shopping preferences.
3. Use statistics – Probably you have more information about your e-shop than you think. Analyze it and get some conclusions. What is the bestseller of December, what is the most prefered payment method or delivery method. From where did they come to your e-shop, do they use mobile applications. Check what’s your customers’ path from the entry page to the final payment, how you can improve it.
4. Use social media – If you have Facebook Fan Page or Twitter (or both) try to collect feedback about your products, your e-shop or in general about your company and/or brand. Show to your fans or followers some statistics, tell them what was the bestseller before Christmas and ask them how do they like it or what’s their favorite product. Let them express themselves and get conclusions.
5. Refresh – The beginning of each year it’s great time to change a little. You can refresh your e-shop layout, add new features or simply get new products. Make it new, fresh and attractive so you can give your customers a reason to return.
To all our present and future customers, friends and partners, Snowdog Team wishes you all the best in 2013!