Martyna Maciejewska

Martyna Maciejewska

Backend Developer at Snowdog

Snowdog Academy - Magento 2 module structures

Discover the significance of modules in the Magento platform, including their role in shaping the ecosystem, defining the structure, and activating new modules. Gain insights into the process and importance of modularization within Magento.

NAO the Robot: Designing a Simple Animation

Hey there! If you're up for creating some cool robot animations with NAO, you're in the right place! In this blog post, we're going to show you how to make a fun and interactive game of charades using a robot's built-in box library and touch sensors. It's a simple process that will result in an engaging game that both kids and adults will love. So let's dive in and learn how to design a simple robot animation for playing charades with NAO!

NAO  the Robot: A Versatile Companion

At our company, we have been working with humanoid robots for a while, and Pepper has been our go-to for the past few years. However, we attended a workshop by Weegree One some time ago, and learned about NAO, a smaller humanoid robot created by Aldebaran Robotics. As we delved into using and programming NAO, we gained valuable insights into the robot's capabilities and possible applications. Read the article to find out more.