Clara Shen

Clara Shen

Head of UX & Design at Snowdog

4 Best practices for e-commerce menus

Explore four best practices to enhance the customer experience on your e-commerce platform while also delving into the importance of choosing the right menu module for your needs, specifically for Magento.

Case Study - Wallet app: Snowdog's UX Challenge

Are you tired of carrying around a bulky wallet filled with countless cards, receipts, and other bits and pieces? Snowdog's UX team has taken on the challenge of developing an ideal digital wallet app that allows users to "set it and forget it." This app holds only the most essential documents, such as ID, bank, and credit cards, enabling users to leave the house without any concerns. Unlike other digital wallet apps that are constantly vying for your attention, Snowdog's app allows users to add only necessary items, making them instantly accessible whenever required. This innovative concept app was created as a self-development exercise by the Snowdog Design team. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!

Case Study - Unified Commerce - The UX of Buying Drinks Online

Online shopping has become a preferred choice for many consumers, and the alcohol retail industry is no exception. In this case study, we explore the UX of buying drinks online and how a complete unified commerce experience can enhance the customer journey. Our team worked with Australian and US wineries to create a smooth purchase and pickup process for retailers selling alcohol, particularly for brands with physical stores. Our focus was to offer an affordable and accessible experience where customers could learn, discover, and order alcohol online, then conveniently pick it up and pay in-store during their regular shopping. Join us as we dive into the details of this unified commerce case study.

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