November is full of very interesting events. As a company with local roots, we proudly support PHPers Poznań – developers-oriented evening for all those who are interested in PHP: case studies, problem solving and success storytelling.

Not only we supported the event but also 3 of our Snowdog developers listened carefully to all presentations. Took advice, asked questions and learned new things.

The presentation that our guys ranked highest was the one telling story of some fundamental changes in OLX. Łukasz Szymański explained how working on one code repository became a crucial problem when OLX spreaded internationally. Different ideas, different approaches and quality of the code resulted in a long-lasting stability issues. Only rebuilding the whole service was a suitable answer to all the problems. Using Composer, OLX teams built a new structure and by working in scrum they managed to overcome problematic aspects of the website.

Over 180 participants listened to PHP related presentations till 10pm. We all went home tired but happy. It’s worth mentioning that PHPers events are taking place in several cities in Poland, not only Poznań. Spreading knowledge and sharing success stories. Make sure you don’t miss it. We are looking to the next edition and hope to see you all there!